Liferay 6.2 User Interface Development

Book Description Books composes of 356 pages. Create eye-catching themes, develop responsive layouts, and write portlets with various technologies that ensure efficiency and performance, implement Alloy User Interface to achieve the best page appearance and generate reports, This comprehensive guide is packed with screenshots for illustration and a lot of code examples that are ready to run What you will learn from this book?
- Set up Liferay IDE for rapid development of plugins
- Use Compass to write Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets
- Develop a responsive theme
- Integrate Google Analytics in a theme
- Create a page layout that responds to the change in width of the browser screen
- Write generic-style portlets, Spring MVC portlets, and Vaadin portlets
- Use jQuery, Ext JS, and Dojo Toolkit in a portlet
- Develop a portlet using tools like OpenXava
- Create an image gallery with Alloy UI
- Construct an Alloy UI video player
- Use Liferay tags for rich page rendering
- Develop a mobile user interface, create reports, and enable searching
Approach This book takes a clear approach, focusing on one topic per chapter, but interspersing other issues in the mainline text and in chapter detours. Taking a practical approach, it discusses the potentiality of Liferay and how you can take advantage of it for creating user responsive content and applications, with plenty of examples for better understanding.
Who this book is written for?
This book is for Java developers who are interested in developing web applications using Liferay 6.2 as their portal. If you need a comprehensive introduction Liferay user interface design, along with the most important aspects of application life cycle management this book is for you. You don’t need to know Liferay to use this book as the author will teach you the required basics.
Book Details
Paperback and ebook: 356 pages
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